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NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) NIDAMED Physician’s Outreach Initiative


This website contains a variety of resources. Click on “NIDA Screening Tools and Resources” to learn about the NIDA-Modified Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test or NMASSIST. The target audience for this curriculum is clinicians in general medical settings (mainly primary care). The modified ASSIST includes an initial pre-screen which determines if a person has engaged in binge drinking, used tobacco products, and used illicit drugs. Only people who report illicit drug use complete the ASSIST. Physicians are directed to other protocols for heavy drinkers and tobacco users.

Yale School of Medicine — SBIRT: Screening Brief Intervention & Referral to Treatment


The target audience for this curriculum is medical professionals working in emergency departments. The website includes instructional videos on SBIRT (6 modules) and 6 written case studies for performing role plays between physician and patient. The role plays present actual emergency department scenarios. The brief intervention is the Brief Negotiated Interview for alcohol abuse. The website provides links to a variety of alcohol and drug screening instruments, including the NIAAA 3-questions, CAGE, CRAFFT, AUDIT, and NIDAMED-modified ASSIST. This training curriculum has online and print-based materials that can be used for self-study and group instruction.